Archive for the ‘Google’ Category


Sending passwords through email is a common practice. It is also a very bad practice. If you are on the receiving end of a password transferred this way, be sure to change it immediately after logging in. If you remain uncomfortable, ask the sender to reset the password and use the telephone to acquire the new password.

Be very wary about trusting sensitive information with any system administrator who insists that passwords via email are safe. What other practices are considered safe at this site? Would you trust this person to protect your credit card number, for example?

Emailed passwords are dangerous for all of the following reasons:

  • email is sent in plain text
  • email often is stored on several systems along the way to your mailbox
  • email often is stored on your computer in plain text or other unencrypted format
  • many copies may exist in many places, even after “deletion”
  • even encrypted email can be broken in to, given enough computing time
  • your account’s security may have been compromised even before you read your email (changing the password will not help in this case)


Whether you are sending or receiving a password, security best practices recommend that you avoid email entirely. Play it safe. It’s always the best policy.

Courtesy : The Bitmill® Inc.


I am a big Iron Man fan ! That epic feeling when Tony Stark commands Jarvis for every research and bidding to be done; it is indeed blissful. But hey, i never knew this was turning into reality so soon.

Oh yes you heard me right !

From being an simple search engine to a Billion-Dollar tech-head leading innovations, Google has, yet again, taken a leap into the future.

google glass

Project Glass has been one of the keen developments since last year, when Google founder & CEO Sir. Sergey Brin took a leap out of a plane wearing a pair of Google Glass and we couldn’t just, believe our eyes. Again reminding us all, The future is Google.

The User-Interface experience has been enhanced even more than last year ! Google Now pops up on the right-top when one wears the Glass and displays whatever you ask for, quite literally, right in front of you ! All you need to say is “Okay Glass” followed by whatever you want it to do. The Google Now has been even more optimized & personalized for every user , using it. You just cannot get any better than this, for now.

google glass 2

Started with just a Search engine, Google today has almost taken over your life online. With Google Glasses coming into retail sooner than you’d expect, I SEE the future coming to us , by Google.
Have you ever dreamed of, what this innovation is leading to !? No ? Well, It wont be a surprise when Google goes ahead to integrate Google Android , Google Drive , Google Chrome, Google MAPS, Google Calendar & gazzilion other Google services to just this pair of Glasses ? Its something I call , “Live Life, Google Size”

Not just that, Google also went ahead to announce a competition for innovators & developers to have this for USA only. All you need to do is hop on to Google+ or Twitter before 27th Feb ’13, using the hash-tag “#ifihadglass”, in no more than 50 words, tell Google why you’d use it. If they like it, you’re getting a Glass. Although, The winners will obviously not be receiving a free pair of the pricey eyewear, Google’s web site says, “Explorers will each need to pre-order a Glass Explorer Edition for $1,500 plus tax and attend a special pick-up experience, in person, in New York, San Francisco or Los Angeles.”

Get Ready! The Future is here . Google is here.


Google has added file previews to Google Drive, a  feature which will help users quickly find the document they want.

Previews will show up automatically when you open photos, videos or PDF files. For Google documents, you can also get the preview by right-clicking on the file name and selecting “preview”.

The preview window offers a fair share of options as well. Once you open it, you can check out other files by clicking on arrows on either side. You can also watch videos or scroll through multi-page documents right there in the preview window. Finally, when previewing a document, you can also zoom in, select and copy text, share, download, print or open a file for editing.

If you don’t see the feature in your Google Drive yet, don’t worry; Google says it will roll out to all users over the “next few days.”

which will help users quickly find the document they want.

Previews will show up automatically when you open photos, videos or PDF files. For Google documents, you can also get the preview by right-clicking on the file name and selecting “preview”.

The preview window offers a fair share of options as well. Once you open it, you can check out other files by clicking on arrows on either side. You can also watch videos or scroll through multi-page documents right there in the preview window. Finally, when previewing a document, you can also zoom in, select and copy text, share, download, print or open a file for editing.

If you don’t see the feature in your Google Drive yet, don’t worry; Google says, it will roll out to all users over the “next few days.”

 Google Hangouts over Skype ?



Hangouts may be the most powerful arrow Google Plus has in its quiver

Instead of Skype, employees are using Google Hangouts for cross-coast meetings and calls.

Google Hangouts are like Skype with a brain-dead-easy recording and production studio built in.

Plus you don’t need to download Skype, you can just set them up through Gmail.  You can store Hangouts in YouTube when you are done. I mean hell, Obama did one, and then he left it up on the web. So it can’t be that weird.

Maybe you want to do a hangout from across the world with your new client; you’re probably going to want to save that video. Hangouts can do that automatically and drop it off in your YouTube account, hassle free.

While YouTube is certainly the 800-lb. gorilla today compared to Hangouts, one day who knows, they may have an equal number of users.