Posts Tagged ‘Glasses’


I am a big Iron Man fan ! That epic feeling when Tony Stark commands Jarvis for every research and bidding to be done; it is indeed blissful. But hey, i never knew this was turning into reality so soon.

Oh yes you heard me right !

From being an simple search engine to a Billion-Dollar tech-head leading innovations, Google has, yet again, taken a leap into the future.

google glass

Project Glass has been one of the keen developments since last year, when Google founder & CEO Sir. Sergey Brin took a leap out of a plane wearing a pair of Google Glass and we couldn’t just, believe our eyes. Again reminding us all, The future is Google.

The User-Interface experience has been enhanced even more than last year ! Google Now pops up on the right-top when one wears the Glass and displays whatever you ask for, quite literally, right in front of you ! All you need to say is “Okay Glass” followed by whatever you want it to do. The Google Now has been even more optimized & personalized for every user , using it. You just cannot get any better than this, for now.

google glass 2

Started with just a Search engine, Google today has almost taken over your life online. With Google Glasses coming into retail sooner than you’d expect, I SEE the future coming to us , by Google.
Have you ever dreamed of, what this innovation is leading to !? No ? Well, It wont be a surprise when Google goes ahead to integrate Google Android , Google Drive , Google Chrome, Google MAPS, Google Calendar & gazzilion other Google services to just this pair of Glasses ? Its something I call , “Live Life, Google Size”

Not just that, Google also went ahead to announce a competition for innovators & developers to have this for USA only. All you need to do is hop on to Google+ or Twitter before 27th Feb ’13, using the hash-tag “#ifihadglass”, in no more than 50 words, tell Google why you’d use it. If they like it, you’re getting a Glass. Although, The winners will obviously not be receiving a free pair of the pricey eyewear, Google’s web site says, “Explorers will each need to pre-order a Glass Explorer Edition for $1,500 plus tax and attend a special pick-up experience, in person, in New York, San Francisco or Los Angeles.”

Get Ready! The Future is here . Google is here.